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Throughout our history, we have supported athletes of diverse modalities besides sports groups. Tia Sonia is keen to be present.

José Batista's life story in athletics began in 2007, and has not stopped since. With excellent results Zequinha - as he is known in the sport - has been developing more and more, always on the spotlight, in the first place.
One of the first spores to encourage this athlete was Corisco, Corredores de Rua de Conquista (Street Runners of Conquista – in a free translation into English), always supporting this great athlete who reached many achievements, today he has the pleasure of being for 3 years in Tia Sônia’s team.


Almost four years ago he began practicing street racing due to the encouragement of a friend. The first race was in Vitória da Conquista where he was in 10th place overall. From there, he began to focus on training and focus on the running competitions. The results were appearing in the course of the days, always with planned trainings. Nowadays, he has excelled in tests of 5k, 10k, 21k, always with determination and willpower to achieve his goals.

First place in the ultra marathon from Vitória da Conquista to Itambé 23km.
Two-time triathlon champion in relay running in Vitória da Conquista in 2017 and 2018.
Campion on the three stages of Corrida do Cacau (Cocoa Running) in Ilhéus 2017.

Trail Running
He started in the street running and migrated to Long Trail running, 42km, 50km and 110km, where he had his first participation in an Ultra marathon on asphalt.
In 5 years, he participated in high level competitions, in the dispute between the best runners of Mountain and Ultra-marathonists of Brazil.

1st Place Overall in the 42k Santo Amaro, BA
1st Place Overall in the 50k UDS Ultra Desafio do Coco (Ultra Coconut Challenge) Sítio Novo, BA
2nd Place Overall  in the 50k Canidê do São Francisco, SE

The history of Jucelino Oliveira in athletics began at the age of 15. At this age, the first opportunity to get to know and take part in Corisco - Corredores de Rua de Conquista (Street Runners of Conquista) appeared. Since then, he has been involved in several competitions. Two years ago, Tia Sônia became part of his story and we are very proud of the path taken by this professional.
2nd place in São Silvestre, in his category
1st place for two consecutive years in Almenara
Vice-champion in Adidas Circuit, in Salvador
2nd place overall in Bahia’s Circuit


Thaise started the journey as an amateur athlete in running in 2012. She has already run 2 marathons, 7 half marathons and several 5 and 10km running. Her first triathlon circuit was in November 2015, and she has not stopped since. She’s got to gather her breath to keep up with this!
Triathlon champion in the category 25 - 29 years (2016)
Bahia Long Distance Champion (2017)
2nd place overall in Bahia’s Women Championship of Long Distance Running (2017)